”What are probiotics, probiotic functions and properties, intestinal microflora and pet immunity. How to choose and give probiotics to cats and dogs ”

Properties of beneficial probiotics

The word "probiotics" has been familiar to most people for a long time and can often be found in health news and shows, on social media, and even in advertising. There are many bacteria and microorganisms on all surfaces, on every blade of grass. But do most of people understand the actual value of these invisible but extremely important bacteria?

From an early age, children are taught that microorganisms are everywhere, that some are ‘bad’ and some are ‘good’, and our task is to make the amount of ‘good’ ones bigger. There must be a balance in everything: without 'bad' bacteria, it is also impossible for the body to function harmoniously, including the bodies of our pets, but we can change the number of harmful and beneficial bacteria with probiotics, thus improving the overall picture.

Bacteria exist and perform their essential functions in all parts of the digestive tract. They are especially abundant in the large intestine, and they constitute a very important microbiome, which is responsible for immunity, the protective ability of the body and the removal of unnecessary substances. A microbiome is a huge accumulation of microorganisms that protects the owner's body from pathogens, harmful bacteria and other problems. In some circumstances, such as stress, illness, fatigue, environmental change, or even cold, these protective units become more vulnerable and less effective, so they need help from outside.

What are probiotics and why are they needed?

Probiotics for dogs and cats are living organisms that are located in the digestive system and responsible for its proper functioning. They enter the body of animals through food - fermented products and dietary supplements.

The main functions of probiotics are:

  • controlling the condition and maintaining the intestinal health

  • participation in digestive processes

  • synthesis of hormones (hormone of joy - serotonin), enzymes, fatty acids and vitamins (vitamins of group B, that control the nervous system, and vitamin K)

  • reduction of intestinal acidity

  • participation in the formation of immunity and protective processes

  • recovery of microflora after stressful situations and usage of certain medications (including antibiotics)

  • facilitation for the optimal development of a specific microbiome (own microflora), especially after birth

  • fight against harmful bacteria, cleanse the body, decrease chances of early morbidity and mortality

  • safe usage for a long time due to non-toxicity and the impossibility of overdose

The role of probiotics for the immune system

The main reason why probiotics are essential is that they act in the intestine, where the main part of the body's immunity is located, covering its walls with a protective layer. There they are responsible for the balanced functioning of the immune system, its strengthening, filtration of useful nutrients and neutralization of harmful ones.

That is why it is crucial to monitor the intestinal microflora of your pet. A diverse and well-populated bacteria composite will ensure it to have a longer and healthier life.

Proper use of probiotic supplements for dogs and cats stimulates the synthesis of intestinal and serum antibodies (that provide protection against foreign antigens) and forms the acquired immunity of the animal.

So how do probiotics help to maintain the health of the intestine and gastrointestinal tract?

  • strengthen the layers of intestinal epithelial tissue, which is a kind of protective barrier and reduces the deep penetration of harmful substances;

  • facilitate the release of protective metabolites and the production of bacteriocins, which are antibacterial substances that depress the activity of pathogenic bacteria;

  • adhere to the intestinal mucosa, thereby reducing the contact of pathogens with it;

  • change the expression of genes of pathogenic microorganisms (transmission of the hereditary information of the gene to create a functional genetic product).

Probiotics for dogs and cats

Because of the fact that beneficial probiotics boost immunity, they can be very useful to most animals. They help to solve numerous health problems: the growth of yeast; urinary tract infections; diarrhea; colitis; pancreatitis; adiposity; allergy symptoms; mood disorders, and others.

All these diseases occur due to changes in the balance of the microflora when the population of bacteria in the microbiome is disturbed. Even small changes in the species of bacteria in the intestine are enough to change this and notice the effect.

Changes in the balance of bacteria occur all the time under the influence of many factors, including usage of antibiotics or stimulants, negative effects of toxins, an aging, an unbalanced diet high in starch or fats, etc.

What probiotics are best for dogs and cats (predators)?

Choosing a probiotic complex for your pet, you should pay attention to its individual needs and health. Some of the best researched and most effective strains of probiotics for cats and dogs are:

  • Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotics. They are pretty fragile and usually stay in the body for only about 24 hours before excreting from the intestine. They are unlikely to colonize, but their DNA remains in the gut, and they can still positively affect health. In general, these are useful probiotics for animals fighting against diarrhea.

  • Enterococcus is another lactic acid bacterium that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut. This probiotic withstands the acidity of the predator's stomach better than most other strain species.

  • Unlike Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, strains of Bacillus Subtilis are spore-forming. These bacteria can form a solid coating that protects them from heat, stomach acid and most antibiotics. Bacilli are also called "soil" probiotics because they are commonly found in soil and water.

  • Bacillus Subtilis lives in the intestines of healthy animals. It was used to treat urinary tract infections even before antibiotics were developed. B. subtilis has a significant effect on the immune system: it facilitates the production of IgA, antibodies that are often lacking in the bodies of dogs with autoimmune diseases. IgA strengthens mucous membranes and produces vitamin K, as well as vitamins of group B and quinols. It is a significant advantage for animals that need digestive enzymes.

How to choose a probiotic supplement?

Most probiotic manufacturers use a combination of strains to increase their effectiveness.

Lactic acid bacteria are easily destroyed in the stomach, that's why a quality probiotic complex should contain a large number of colony-forming units (CFUs). For healthy dogs, a supplement of 10 billion CFU is normal, but if your pet has problems with digestion or immunity, the dosage should be increased to about 25-50 billion CFU.

If you are considering a spore-forming probiotic for dogs, you can use fewer CFUs because they tolerate stomach acidity easily. About 1 billion CFU is enough.

May probiotics be given to a pet every day?

Usually, the bodies of cats and dogs tolerate probiotics well in daily use, especially for those animals whose diet includes small foods or high amounts of starch.

What do veterinarians think about probiotics for cats and dogs?

Most veterinarians often prescribe probiotics to their patients and sell such complexes in their own clinics. This is due to the fact that in their own experience of veterinary practice, they can advise clients with proven and well-studied complexes.

Which probiotics are best for cats and dogs?

Soil probiotics are the best choice, as domestic animals do not eat from the ground and therefore do not get bacteria from the soil. Another factor is the endurance of bacteria of this strain, which provides a greater chance of survival in the predators' intestines.

Do probiotics have side effects

Probiotics are a completely safe supplement, as numerous studies have confirmed.

Problems can arise in a situation with excessive growth of bacteria in the small intestine. Most bacteria must be found in the large intestine, and when the small intestine has an abnormally large number of them, it leads to problems with digestion and absorption of nutrients.

In this case, adding certain probiotics can only worsen the situation.The right choice in such a situation is spore-forming (soil) bacteria. They have a protective coating that allows them to remain in the form of spores until their environment becomes safe. It lets them pass through the small intestine and colonize the large colon.

What is the duration of taking probiotics for cats and dogs?

As a preventative measure, taking probiotics can be part of a basic daily plan. Probiotics based on soil bacteria are the best choice for almost daily use.

As a treatment for diarrhea, probiotic complexes usually help in 5-10 days, and it is better to continue taking them for a few weeks to solve the main problems with digestion because, according to research, probiotics can reduce the recovery time of microflora by about half.