”Vivotox is an enterosorbent with the addition of prebiotics and beneficial microorganisms to animal feed. Vivotox is a general strengthening supplement for restoring the strength of the animal after exercise, extreme stress, injury and treatment”

How to use

Before each feeding, sprinkle the complex synbiotic "vivotox" on the feed and mix. Add it at the rate of 40 to 60 shakes per kilogram of dry food (from 2 g to 3 g) and feed the animal according to its diet. When feeding natural feed, add 20 to 40 shakes per kilogram of feed.

Add it to feed constantly. It is recommended to start prophylaxis at least one month before the competition or exhibition.

Why does your pet need vivotox:

  • complex synbiotic "vivotox" gives the body the necessary symbiosis of probiotics and prebiotics, absorbs toxins and heavy metals from pet feed and the gastrointestinal tract and saturates the body with microelements due to ion exchangers and catalytic properties of components of the drug, which with their physical and chemical properties have a positive effect on the digestive system of animals.

  • strains of beneficial bacteria are active components of dietary supplements "vivotox", after their activation (in the animal's body), they have the ability to synthesize a number of antimicrobial substances and essential enzymes of the animal’s body.

  • the complex is used for preventive purposes to maintain the immunity and general health of the animal, as well as during the preparation of the animal for exhibition, competition or hunting.

  • "Vivotox" is a general strengthening supplement for restoring the animal's strength after exercise, extreme stress, injury and treatment.